On Saturday, 20th Falgun, Poet Rajnimila released her Anthology of Nepal Bhasa Poems “SwaSwan Tana Wangu Sarga” amidst a well-attended function organized by Nepal Bhasa Academy in Kirtipur. Launching the book on this occasion, Chief Guest Dr. Jyoti Tuladhar, linguist and literary critic, applauded the achievement of Rajnimila, as an outstanding poet gifted with incomparable unique poetic talent, highly aware of the social political injustices within our country, a female poet who has stepped outside the boundary of exploring only emotional terrain into the national/international vortex of events. The Vice Chancellor Malla K. Sundar chaired the event and highlighted the personal story behind Rajnimila, the Creator, who has been engaged heavily in issues of exploitation and violation of human rights among the vulnerable communities in Nepal. Other guests Prof. Sundar Krishna Joshi, Dean Manik Ratna Shakya and Laxmi Mali also commented on Rajnimila’s poetry while a number of poems from the anthology itself were recited by renowned poet Pratisara and emerging poets Binita Shakya and Bina Nemkul. Rajnimila herself spoke candidly on her poetic journey and sources of inspiration which have guided her through these years. Dr. Pushparaj Rajkarnikar Secretary of Academy, welcomed the participants .
सुभाय् मिडिया प्रा.लि.
ताम्सिपाखा , देयको , पुष्पलाल पथ काठमाडौं -१८
ईमेल: [email protected]
कार्यालय फोन- ०१-२१५६४४
स्थायी लेखा नम्बर- ६१२२८०१००
सूचना विभाग दर्ता नम्बर: ४५८/०७४-७५