Alok Siddhi Tuladhar
This is the finial installed at the top of the Bal Gopaleshwor temple in the middle of न्हु पुखू Ranipokhari this morning.
In any temple, the finial is of great significance, both architecturally and metaphorically. It is of distinctive design, where every component has a philosophical meaning.
The Gaju’s ornamental value is paramount, as it is the highest point of the building, and is usually made of shiny metal.
Here, every part of the Gaju is defined in Nepal Bhasa.
Cvalamu: Finial (च्वलामू)
Gah: Base (गः)
Kalas: Ritual pot (कलश)
Abasah: (आबशा)
Ghantakar: Bell-shaped part (घन्टाकार)
Source: Newar Towns and Buildings | An Illustrated Dictionary | Newari – English by Niels Gutschow, Bernhard Kovler and Ishwaranand Shresthacarya (1987)
Photo: National Reconstruction Authority
सुभाय् मिडिया प्रा.लि.
ताम्सिपाखा , देयको , पुष्पलाल पथ काठमाडौं -१८
ईमेल: [email protected]
कार्यालय फोन- ०१-२१५६४४
स्थायी लेखा नम्बर- ६१२२८०१००
सूचना विभाग दर्ता नम्बर: ४५८/०७४-७५