The Rajdoot GTS 175 was featured in the debut film of Rishi Kapoor, Bobby, and the motorbike soon became an icon for the youth of the time after seeing the veteran actor ride the motorbike in his film.
The Indian Film Industry saw the passing away of two iconic actors – Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor – in just one week and it definitely came across as a shock to everyone. While the film fraternity and the general public still come to terms with this loss, we deeply mourn the death of two such amazing artists. We would want to take a moment to remember a time when one of these veterans – Rishi Kapoor – helped a certain two-wheeler manufacturer – Rajdoot -with some success.
It was around the 1970s and Rishi Kapoor had just made his Bollywood debut as a lead actor in his father Raj Kapoor’s production Bobby. It was also the time when the humble Rajdoot GTS 175 was launched in the market and it was trying to make its mark. You certainly haven’t forgotten about Rajdoot, have you? This motorbike happened to be featured in the film, and what all marketing campaigns could not achieve for the motorbike, Rishi Kapoor riding it in the film Bobby did much more than that.
Sales of this Rajdoot GTS 175 soared to a record high and as the film was released. It was very refreshing image at that time to see a youth on a motorbike, much different from the middle aged lead actors in Bollywood at that time. It even earned several nicknames for itself like ‘Monkey’ and ‘Bobby’. In fact its was more popularly known as the ‘Bobby Rajdoot’ or the ‘Bobby’ bike than its original name which was a seemingly obscure combination of numbers and letter at that time.
The Rajdoot GTS 175 was the result of a tie-up between the Escorts Group of the time and Polish manufacturer SHL to sell motorcycles in India. The Bobby bike was powered by a 173cc two stroke engine that produced 7.5bhp and 12.3Nm of peak torque. The numbers are in fact quite healthy considering the time it was from. The Rajdoot Bobby was a very unique looking motorbike with lots of use of chrome and even a spare wheel mounted on one side. We will admit that the seating position wasn’t the most comfortable but it still became a rage among the youth of the time.